Coat of Arms
Inspired to explore science from the perspective of toddlers, we discuss epigenetics with our three-year-old identical, twin daughters in this episode from “Lullaby Theories.” Simple and yet elegant, the science behind gene modification comes easily to these identical twins who notice daily how Same Same but Different they are from each other.
“Certain circumstances in life can cause genes to be silenced or expressed over time. In other words, they can be turned off (becoming dormant) or turned on (becoming active) … What you eat, where you live, who you interact with, when you sleep, how you exercise, even aging – all of these can eventually cause chemical modifications around the genes that will turn those genes on or off over time.” –
Coat of Arms
Inspired to explore science from the perspective of toddlers, we discuss epigenetics with our three-year-old identical, twin daughters in this episode from “Lullaby Theories.” Simple and yet elegant, the science behind gene modification comes easily to these identical twins who notice daily how Same Same but Different they are from each other.
“Certain circumstances in life can cause genes to be silenced or expressed over time. In other words, they can be turned off (becoming dormant) or turned on (becoming active) … What you eat, where you live, who you interact with, when you sleep, how you exercise, even aging – all of these can eventually cause chemical modifications around the genes that will turn those genes on or off over time.” –
Lullaby Theories:
Same Same But Different
Coat of Arms
Inspired to explore science from the perspective of toddlers, we discuss epigenetics with our three-year-old identical, twin daughters in this episode from “Lullaby Theories.” Simple and yet elegant, the science behind gene modification comes easily to these identical twins who notice daily how Same Same but Different they are from each other.
“Certain circumstances in life can cause genes to be silenced or expressed over time. In other words, they can be turned off (becoming dormant) or turned on (becoming active) … What you eat, where you live, who you interact with, when you sleep, how you exercise, even aging – all of these can eventually cause chemical modifications around the genes that will turn those genes on or off over time.” –
Behind the Shield
Behind the Shield
Behind the Shield

With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Clara Lehmann
Clara Lehmann, Lucy Lacocque & Sophia Lacocque
Jonathan Lacocque
Ariel Costa
David Stanfield
Handel Eugene
John Long
Ricardo Nilsson
Original Music & Sound Design:
Matt Stanfield
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Clara Lehmann
Clara Lehmann, Lucy Lacocque & Sophia Lacocque
Jonathan Lacocque
Ariel Costa
Ryan Butterworth
Art Direction & Illustration:
Haewon Shin
Latham Arnott
Ryan Butterworth
Coupe Studios/Nova Nimbus
Sound Design & Mix:
Sarah Krohn
Thandi (TL) Murray
Coat of Arms
When we feel pain, there’s a complex conversation going on between the brain and the body. But we don’t feel pain until the brain interprets these ‘secret messages,’ evaluates the danger, and determines how much pain we should feel.
With the help of science, we may have some control over the amount of pain we feel. “The gate control theory of pain asserts that non-painful input closes the ‘gates’ to painful input, which prevents pain sensation from traveling to the central nervous system. Therefore, stimulation by non-noxious input is able to suppress pain.” –
In this Lullaby Theories episode, “A Secret Message,” four year old twins, Sophia and Lucy discuss pain, the gate control theory, and some ideas to reduce pain with their mother. In doing so, they discover that sometimes it’s as simple as ‘happy life, happy finger.’
Coat of Arms
When we feel pain, there’s a complex conversation going on between the brain and the body. But we don’t feel pain until the brain interprets these ‘secret messages,’ evaluates the danger, and determines how much pain we should feel.
With the help of science, we may have some control over the amount of pain we feel. “The gate control theory of pain asserts that non-painful input closes the ‘gates’ to painful input, which prevents pain sensation from traveling to the central nervous system. Therefore, stimulation by non-noxious input is able to suppress pain.” –
In this Lullaby Theories episode, “A Secret Message,” four year old twins, Sophia and Lucy discuss pain, the gate control theory, and some ideas to reduce pain with their mother. In doing so, they discover that sometimes it’s as simple as ‘happy life, happy finger.’
Lullaby Theories:
A Secret Message
Coat of Arms
When we feel pain, there’s a complex conversation going on between the brain and the body. But we don’t feel pain until the brain interprets these ‘secret messages,’ evaluates the danger, and determines how much pain we should feel.
With the help of science, we may have some control over the amount of pain we feel. “The gate control theory of pain asserts that non-painful input closes the ‘gates’ to painful input, which prevents pain sensation from traveling to the central nervous system. Therefore, stimulation by non-noxious input is able to suppress pain.” –
In this Lullaby Theories episode, “A Secret Message,” four year old twins, Sophia and Lucy discuss pain, the gate control theory, and some ideas to reduce pain with their mother. In doing so, they discover that sometimes it’s as simple as ‘happy life, happy finger.’
Behind the Shield
Behind the Shield

Behind the Shield

With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Written, Produced & Directed by
Clara Lehmann & Jonathan Lacocque
Lucy Lacocque, Sophia Lacocque, & Clara Lehmann
Edited by
Jonathan Lacocque
Design & Illustration by
Naomi Bensen
Animation by
Julia Iverson & Terence Ginja-Martinho
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Written, Produced & Directed by
Clara Lehmann & Jonathan Lacocque
Lucy Lacocque, Sophia Lacocque, & Clara Lehmann
Edited by
Jonathan Lacocque
Design & Illustration by
Naomi Bensen
Animation by
Julia Iverson & Terence Ginja-Martinho
Joe Sparkes
Sound Design & Mix by
Jenna Coyle
Music by
Wyld- Paegilegt, via
Scientific Consultant:
Shaheen E. Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, MS, FAAN
Special Thanks:
Amy Brown
The Science & Entertainment Exchange
National Academy of Sciences
Joe Sparkes
Sound Design & Mix by
Jenna Coyle
Music by
Wyld- Paegilegt, via
Scientific Consultant:
Shaheen E. Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, MS, FAAN
Special Thanks:
Amy Brown
The Science & Entertainment Exchange
National Academy of Sciences
Coat of Arms
Here is episode three in our series on scientific theories. This episode focuses on the science of sleep. An important part of our lives, and one our twin girls are still perfecting. 😉
Coat of Arms
Here is episode three in our series on scientific theories. This episode focuses on the science of sleep. An important part of our lives, and one our twin girls are still perfecting. 😉
Lullaby Theories:
Cereal Fluid
Coat of Arms
Here is episode three in our series on scientific theories. This episode focuses on the science of sleep. An important part of our lives, and one our twin girls are still perfecting. 😉
Behind the Shield
Behind the Shield

Behind the Shield

With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
With open hearts and a lens focused on education, we share these project files and details with you, our community, so that you may glean from them something inspirational.
Or tell us how we could have done it more efficiently! We hope our project files may help you in your pursuit of design, animation, and art; but we ask that you respect the artist in these files. In the brush strokes, in the layers of texture, and in each keyframe, sits a person who labored and agonized over their art. So, please use these for educational purposes and steal only the wisdom behind them not the content or ingredients.
Please. Thank you. And godspeed.
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Produced & Directed by
Clara Lehmann & Jonathan Lacocque
Written by
Rachel Farrell & Clara Lehmann
Lucy Lacocque, Sophia Lacocque, & Clara Lehmann
Edited by
Jonathan Lacocque
Design & Illustration by
Mara Smalley
Friederich Detering & Joash Berkeley
Animation by
Jorge R. Canedo E. & Victor Silva
Music & Sound Design by
Ambrose YuScientific Consultant:
Chris Bojrab, MD, psychiatrist, President, Indiana Health Group
Special Thanks:
Amy Brown
The Science & Entertainment Exchange
National Academy of Sciences
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Produced & Directed by
Clara Lehmann & Jonathan Lacocque
Written by
Rachel Farrell & Clara Lehmann
Lucy Lacocque, Sophia Lacocque, & Clara Lehmann
Edited by
Jonathan Lacocque
Design & Illustration by
Mara Smalley
Ryan Butterworth
Art Direction & Illustration:
Haewon Shin
Latham Arnott
Ryan Butterworth
Coupe Studios/Nova Nimbus
Sound Design & Mix:
Sarah Krohn
Coat of Arms
What could we learn if we discovered a parallel universe–a sister Earth? Would our twin universe exist in the same state as ours? What could we glean from it?
In this episode of Lullaby Theories: Babies & Babies & Babies, twins Lucy and Sophia along with their mother discuss the much-debated inflation theory. In doing so, we discover the importance of scientific inquiry, testing ideas, and open discourse. What’s your theory? Let’s debate and test it!
Hope you enjoy the episode! It’s our longest one yet.
Coat of Arms
What could we learn if we discovered a parallel universe–a sister Earth? Would our twin universe exist in the same state as ours? What could we glean from it?
In this episode of Lullaby Theories: Babies & Babies & Babies, twins Lucy and Sophia along with their mother discuss the much-debated inflation theory. In doing so, we discover the importance of scientific inquiry, testing ideas, and open discourse. What’s your theory? Let’s debate and test it!
Hope you enjoy the episode! It’s our longest one yet.
Lullaby Theories:
Babies & Babies & Babies
Coat of Arms
What could we learn if we discovered a parallel universe–a sister Earth? Would our twin universe exist in the same state as ours? What could we glean from it?
In this episode of Lullaby Theories: Babies & Babies & Babies, twins Lucy and Sophia along with their mother discuss the much-debated inflation theory. In doing so, we discover the importance of scientific inquiry, testing ideas, and open discourse. What’s your theory? Let’s debate and test it!
Hope you enjoy the episode! It’s our longest one yet.
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Written, Produced, & Directed by
Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque
Voiceover by
Sophia Lacocque, Lucy Lacocque, and Clara Lehmann
Design, Animation, Fx, and Render by
Chris Ray Moberg
Edit by
Jonathan Lacocque
Christoffer Bjerre and Handel Eugene
Matt Stanfield
Scientific Consulting by
David L. Morgan, PH.D., Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Richard Bland College of William & Mary
Special Thanks to
The Science & Entertainment Exchange, National Academy of Sciences, and Amy Brown
Creative by
Coat of Arms
Written, Produced, & Directed by
Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque
Voiceover by
Sophia Lacocque, Lucy Lacocque, and Clara Lehmann
Design, Animation, Fx, and Render by
Chris Ray Moberg
Edit by
Jonathan Lacocque
Christoffer Bjerre and Handel Eugene
Matt Stanfield
Scientific Consulting by
David L. Morgan, PH.D., Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Richard Bland College of William & Mary
Special Thanks to
The Science & Entertainment Exchange, National Academy of Sciences, and Amy Brown